Numerology Number 2 and its Meanings

Hidden Numerology
5 min readMay 3, 2020


What Is the Significance of Numerology Number 2 in Our Lives?

Understanding how numbers relate to our lives is important. We can find hidden messages that we can use to our benefit or ward off misfortune. People who pay attention to the numbers that are important in their lives will understand themselves better and live healthier and fuller lives. Numerology number 2 holds special meaning and has many lessons and messages for those who will heed them. Seemingly unanswerable questions become answerable when we seek out and come to understand the important numbers in our lives. Here we look at the significance of number two.

The Essence of Numerology Number 2

Number 2 obviously follows right after number 1. It gets much of its meaning and power from its relationship and contrast with number 1. While number 1 is self-sufficient, original, and assertive, number 2 thrives on teamwork, coexistence, and partnership. While a number 1 leads, a number two assists and makes the system work. In many ways, number 2 is dependent on number 1 but also number 1 only shines because of the support and efforts of number two. If number two is important in your life, you are these things:

  • A problem solver
  • Diplomatic
  • Cooperative
  • Compliant
  • and even docile when being so is important

While the number 1s of the world commonly get all of the accolades, the number 2s are the people who get the work done, create compromise, and grease the gears that make for a smoothly running home, workplace, city, or nation. It should be no surprise that number 2s are the peacemakers of the world in both situations large and small.

The Symbolism of Number 2

We see the High Priestess as the number two card in Tarot. This priestess is known for a duality of spirit and body with her element being water and her planet being the moon. And, of course, she stands in contrast to the first Tarot card, The Magician which has fire as an element and the sun as its “planet.” While we may be tempted to see number 1 and number two in this sense as opposites, they are rather in contrast to each other.

We can see elements of number 1 and number two in the same person from time to time. When we start out on a new project or new part of our life we begin with energy and creativity. But, when we encounter the problems of real-world life, we learn to become the High Priestess and put things into perspective in order to accomplish what we need to do.

A number 1 is energetic, creative, and always “out front” but, a number two is also creative and active but often working “behind the scenes” to make things happen. The energy of the number 2 is expressed creatively and emotionally. Unfortunately, this can also take an emotional toll on the person for whom number two is important.

The Spirituality of Numerology Number 2

The spirituality of number 2 also lives in contrast to that of number 1. This is similar to the I Ching hexagrams. The first is called the Creative Principle while the second is referred to as the Passive Principle. Although the first I Ching hexagram is one of solid, strong lines, that of the second is broken lines. At first glance, these can be seen as totally different. But, the I Ching shows us that both active and passive principles can create change in the real world. The passive principle or number two is what Taoists refer to as the “not-doing.” This is a position in which number 2s find themselves in trusting life instead of attempting to control each and every event and situation. From the ancient philosopher’s point of view, this is the stance of wisdom and a deeper understanding of reality.

What Is the Calling of Numerology Number 2?

“For everything, there is a season,” scripture tells us. And, the ideal place for a person for whom number two is important in their life is in diplomacy. This can obviously be a formal occupation but more often is in the little things in life where a number two becomes the peacemaker, smoothing over differences and creating compromise.

Some will say that having number 2 as the important number in this life indicates that in a previous life you were not cooperative and rather chose to pick fights. Now, karma has placed you where you will practice your tact, patience, and diplomatic skills! Likewise, it may be karma that now presents you with repeated impossible people and situations in order for you to hone and refresh those skills.

Challenges for Numerology Number 2

Emotions can become a problem for those for whom numerology number two is important. Because of the normal tendency of a number two to deal passively with things, several things can happen:

  • Anxiety builds up
  • Depression can happen
  • A sense of self-defeat can dominate one’s thoughts
  • Life can seem like a never-ending chore
  • Sadness can become a constant companion

All of these things are the results of letting the number two aspect of your life become too dominant. The key is to use the wisdom that comes with being a thoughtful number two come to the fore. Practice self-confidence and self-assurance. Practice standing up for yourself instead of letting compliance be a reflex. Because number 2s are comfortable being out of the spotlight, this is a good time to draw back, meditate, and recharge your batteries. But, a number two needs to find fulfillment and happiness in something other than constantly settling conflicts. This may require a change of occupation, residence, or other life situations.

When Numerology Number 2 Appears, Take Notice

Many times a number, like a number 2, will keep popping up in our lives. You typically answer the phone when it rings and the door when someone rings the bell. Make sure that you pay attention and take action when number two repeatedly shows up in the numbers in your life. Because you are a thoughtful number two, you will probably be able to work out what the number means, provided that you are not so busy settling other people’s conflicts to pay attention. When this is happening, meditate, feed your soul, and pay attention to the numbers!

Read more about Numerology Numbers

Number 1 | Number 2 | Number 3 | Number 4 |Number 5 | Number 6 Number 7 |Number 8 |Number 9



Hidden Numerology

Covering the hidden secrets of Numerology and Angel numbers. What these number when you see them in your life