Numerology Number 8 and its meanings

Hidden Numerology
7 min readApr 5, 2020


In general, people for whom numerology number 8 has strong meaning will be responsible, determined in pursuing their goals, and very assertive. Many times we find these people leading successful lives in the fields of business and finance. Numerology number eight is all too often believed to the number of power and money.

This is not true. When money and power come to a person strong in numerology number 8, it is because of their basic traits of assertiveness, determination, and responsibility. Although number eight gives a person the power to make the most of their business and commercial skills, they often need help in maintaining their humanity and basic discipline.

How Does Number 8 Affect Us as Persons?

When the force of numerology number 8 is especially strong in life, it exhibits qualities similar to those seen in the old gods. In the case of number 8, these are the gods Kronos and Poseidon.
The number 8 person is commonly a child who is powerful beyond their years and already making clear and distinct decisions. As numerology number 8 represents harmony and balance as well, its shape best represents the need for balance in the life of a person for whom numerology number eight resonates most strongly.

As number 8 is comprised of a pair of circles, it is always representing wholeness. The symbol for infinity is the numerology number eight laid on its side! This is indicative of the quality of numerology number eight to exceed all numbers and go beyond all things known or seen.

When we have a strong force of number 8 in our lives, we become both the creator and the destroyer, the karmic equalizer, and, in the extreme, a force of death, life, and rebirth!

However, in the usual situation with the vast majority of people, numerology number 8 works to achieve a reasonable balance between the immaterial and spiritual world and the flesh and blood material world.
Most commonly, a strong numerology number 8 person is practical, focused on achieving results, and able to do so in both the spiritual and material levels of life. If you need results, go to a number 8 to get them!

The interior life a person with whom number 8 is especially significant is sorting out imaginary and real experiences and getting them straight. In the broader world, a strong number 8 person focuses exclusively on getting results in whatever tasks or occupations they are involved in.

  • A strong numerology number 8 person uses his or her discipline to achieve their goal.
  • This person perseveres when others quit.
  • He or she does these things in the spiritual realm and material world as well.
  • The strong number 8 may need some balance from other numbers to stay on track.

The downside for a strong number 8 is being overly aggressive and losing their temper. All too often the person for whom numerology number 8 vibrates most strongly wishes to be in authority and to maintain that status at all costs. When he sees things that he does not like, cannot control or finds different from his basic beliefs, he lacks tolerance and gets very frustrated.

A very strong number 8 is powerful but does not tolerate whole groups of people as well as specific individuals. And, he or she may be intolerant of things about society and humanity in general. This leads to a perpetual dissatisfaction that makes life difficult for a strong number 8, but he or she tends to move on because the ultimate goal is to be in charge and to be seen by others as being in authority.

  • Many folks for whom number resonates strongly make fantastic leaders and have impressive people skills and the confidence to make decisions and drive things forward.
  • If this person lets their ego get the better of them, his or her unmoving and recalcitrant nature often make life difficult for everyone.
  • While he makes an excellent leader with wonderful people skills and the confidence to succeed, if he lets his ego grow too large for his body, he could be too unmoving and insistent that his way is best.
  • To be most successful, a number 8 needs to learn to listen to others and be open to discussion. When he goes too far, he is seen as a little dictator and people will “rise up” against him making his need to be in control more difficult.

Another strong aspect of numerology number 8 is that the number is extremely masculine, although it affects both genders. This is seen in the tendency to produce powerful leaders. However, the world has seen many great female leaders, so this quality is certainly not limited to the guys.

Because the cube root of 8 is numerology number 2, 8s tend to have many qualities of the helpful number 2 as well as the prime leadership qualities of numerology number 1. This mostly plays out in their better understanding of human nature.

If a strong 8 lets this trait develop, they are always a more effective, and long-lasting leader.

What Does Number 8 in History Tell Us?

Throughout history, numerology number 8 recurs. In ancient Rome, people attached special importance to the eighth day after the birth of a child. And, in the story of Noah and the ark, there were eight people. The students of the Greek mathematician and philosopher, Pythagoras, referred to numerology number 8 as a holy number (Ogdoad).

The Strength and Justice cards are those in Tarot that have the closest association with number 8. It is especially appropriate that The Strength card shows us the challenges of holding back a strong desire to attain more power.
This goes hand in hand with the need for the strong number 8 to listen to others and tune back his or her unbridled ambition to be seen and heard above all.

  • Healing crystals that have an association with numerology number 8 are leopard skin jasper, snowflake obsidian, and serpentine.
  • Numerology number 8 in astrology associates with the planet of practicality, status, resilience, and karma, which is the planet Saturn.
  • The Zodiac sign Scorpio is most closely associated with numerology number 8 and tends to bring good fortune to the planets that vibrate strongly with energy of Capricorn (which is in turn ruled by Saturn).

The ancient Greek god Kronos is closely associated with number eight . The story of Kronos is that this Greek tyrant worked with his mother to overthrow his father. He then lived with the curse that he would, in turn, be overthrown by his children.

The story goes on that Kronos swallowed each of his children to prevent them from overthrowing him. But, in the end, he fell for a trick and vomited up his three sons, Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon. After trapping their father in Tartarus, the sons agreed to divide the kingdom of the father into the world, the underworld, and the sea.

The lesson for those for whom number eight is especially strong is to control their ego, listen to others, compromise at times, and avoid being “overthrown.”

What Are We Like When Number 8 Is Strong in Our Lives?

People, in whom numerology number eight vibrates strongly, like to set goals. They focus intently on accomplishing what they set out to do. Strong number 8s develop a deep understanding of how to navigate the world of business and oftentimes are very skillful in diplomacy or the use of diplomatic skills.

  • A well-rounded number eight will wish to create things of value for society and humanity at large.
  • The unique business skills of a number eight allow them to use their finances to accomplish other goals.
  • A numerology number eight person is very focused and efficient.
  • Their people skills lead to much trust from others.
  • Leadership in whatever path in life a number eight takes is a common end result.

Although a really strong number 8 is intelligent and very realistic, they may become so absorbed in what they are doing, and so over-confident, that they can be perceived as distant and cold.

This may be true especially in personal relationships in which the number 8 is always doing something for the greater good of both of them and never taking the time to simply be with the other person without it turning into a task or goal-setting session.

A common description of a strong number eight is this case is “tiresome.” As a strong number 8 is mostly focused on their career, relationships may suffer. But, a very strong 8 will not care much because their work is their life!

A good insight into what drives a number eight person is that will they crave authority and status and are good at making money, money is not the goal. The need for authority is the driving force in their lives.

Because those for whom numerology number 8 is especially strong are not obsessed with earning or keeping money, they are often philanthropists and humanitarians with their wealth.

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Hidden Numerology
Hidden Numerology

Written by Hidden Numerology

Covering the hidden secrets of Numerology and Angel numbers. What these number when you see them in your life

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